Diamond Ergonomic Laptop Stand

The Diamond Laptop Stand and Riser can help maintain good ergonomics. Good ergonomics is extremely important in the health of your muscles, joints and spine. Making some small changes to your workstation can prevent back pain and muscle fatigue. And this can be achieved by making some small changes to your workstation. In addition, because of its portability, it can be the perfect solution for use at home or on the road. Moreover, hunching over and over can lead to an uncomfortable posture causing neck and back problems. The Diamond Laptop Stand and Riser elevates your screen to eye-level and improves your posture, health and comfort.

Raise Your Laptop to the Best Height

Uniquely, it can be raised or lowered to just about any level. As a matter of fact, it has a range of 8 to 10.5” inches. It not only raises the height of your laptop, but also moves your laptop back and forth. Hence, you can easily adjust the range of your screen from your eyes for optimal range of vision. Looking too close or too far away can also put strain on your eyes, causing eye-fatigue.